Monday, May 24, 2010

Indian Stock Market - Stock Market Jargon

If you plan to venture into the Stock Market it is essential to familiarize yourself with basic technical finance Le business conditions or the stock market jargon. It will also help to establish your trading activities.

The following words are often used in jargon the stock market.

Stock refers to the share ownership of a company. It is represented by a certificate of stocks a legal document as an official proof of your share ownership. A man called a stock shareholder or shareholders.

The share price is fixed price for the shares to sell is always affected by many factors including the economic situation and the financial companies Le report.

The floor broker is the person responsible for carrying out the orders of their cli NT or customers. A legitimate broker is licensed by the exchange floor.

On the other hand a floor trader is a person that only transactions for its own account or accounts under its stock.

The broker is a person buying or selling stock on behalf of investors or dealers.

The margin refers to file legitimate files. It is included in the national stock exchanges stock or a trading company approved by the SEC.

To buy in the near term means to buy stock at a price within the range near end of trading session while opening the opposite of buying - the purchase of shares at a price within the opening range beginning of a trading session.

These are some common terms in the jargon the stock market can be improved if you are a seasoned stock trader.

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